After 35 Years, We Know Amusement

NEN Gives Back

Written by NEN | 11/4/19 6:13 PM

We had a great time at the volunteer opportunity with A Precious Child on November 14, 2019. Thank you to all who participated. A Precious Child provides children in need with opportunities and resources to empower them to achieve their full potential. 


They collect donated new and gently-used clothing, coats, undergarments, socks, shoes, toiletries, home goods and other essentials and distribute them to children and families in the most need through our Resource Center. Volunteers work at their Donation Center to help process these incoming community donations and prepare them for the kiddos and families. Families come in and shop for the essentials they need in a welcoming store-like setting, all provided at no charge.


About NEN

National Entertainment Network (NEN) is the largest front-end retail and amusement vending company in the nation, headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. NEN defines amusement vending entertainment with a diverse first-tier entertainment/confection portfolio of products operating over 150,000 coin slots located over 20,000 of the most popular retail and restaurant locations throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. For over 25 years, NEN continues to focus on clients by providing quality entertainment for their customers and patrons.